The world is in a state of shocked disbelief. After re-electing GWB for a second term most of the world wrote America off as past its prime, a nation headed toward distruction, and/or a bunch of morons. While I never ascribed to this view, it cannot be ignored or discounted in respect to our general world perception and standing. With a new leader and new direction Americans now have an oppourtunity to regain our position as that "shinning city upon a hill" (to quote another great, transformative President). As Obama so elequently stated in his speech last evening, this election is about the people, he cannot do it alone or even with his voter constituency. We must come together as a people, get off the couch, turn off the TV, help the old lady across the street, realize that our own actions have profound effects on our neighbors, which effects their neighbors and down the line. Voting is not the end of our mission, but the beginning of a new future for America. The loud sound of a young generation resounded throughout the halls of Washington DC to my delight and surprise. We actually showed up and made our voices heard.
Now comes the hard part, actually doing what we have be saying for so long. Change will not come without the change in many individuals; change in attitude, synicism and most importantly change in our daily activities.
It is still my belief that the change we seek will come from a change in how we save and spend money. As long as we run up deficets and spend beyond our means we will remain slaves to the banks and credit card companies. We have seen one race break out of its chains and attain the highest office in the land, now we need another race, the human race to break free from the chains of debt to become free and attain the higest goals we set for ourselves.
Yes we can is not a slogan, it is the rally cry for persoanl action and responsability to ourselevs and our children. What better lesson or legacy can we leave than the undoubtful belief that if we set our mind to the "impossible" we can achieve greatness. YES WE CAN!
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